AI is here to stay


It has been nearly a year since ChatGPT made a significant debut, instigating both excitement and apprehension regarding its impact on education.

The modifications continue to occur. At an earlier time this year, Snapchat incorporated MyAI into its social media platform. This entails the integration of ChatGPT, a chatbot that prompts teenagers to inquire about various topics, such as gift recommendations for their friends or assistance with homework.

In the meantime, Microsoft is introducing “Copilot” on its systems, which is promoted as an “everyday AI companion”. This comes after the launch of “Bing Chat”, an AI-powered assistant designed to accompany the Bing search tool.

In a surprising turn of events, the accessibility of generative artificial intelligence has expanded to include individuals of all ages, including the younger demographic. This technology enables the creation of fresh content, including text and images.

As researchers in the field of digital technology, we possess a strong interest in the potential of AI and its applications. Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with this technology. To provide guidance for parents as they introduce AI technology to their children, we have compiled three key factors to consider.

The concept of artificial intelligence is not new, as chatbots and generative AI have been in existence since the 1960s.

In the past year, there has been a significant increase in the size of AI databases, substantial financial investments in these technologies, the development of more innovative code, and improved accessibility and usability.

AI is something that parents may feel uncertain about due to its nature. There have been thoughts among schools to prohibit certain uses of AI, claiming that it could result in cheating and compromise the integrity of academic standards.

However, AI is not going to disappear; instead, it will become even more prevalent in our daily lives. It is crucial for young people to familiarize themselves with this technology as early as possible so that they can make informed decisions on how to utilize it in a responsible and productive manner.

If you happen to be a parent, it becomes crucial to educate yourself about these technologies and give them a try to assist your child in adapting to a world powered by AI. Begin by accessing a complimentary generative AI tool and engaging in joint experimentation by posing inquiries to the bot and reflecting upon its responses.

More information can be found here: In an unprecedented trial in Australia, high school students are utilizing an app that functions similarly to ChatGPT.

Generative AI is capable of performing remarkable tasks, such as producing images and crafting narratives. However, it lacks the ability to deeply comprehend the meaning behind its creations. While it can assemble coherent text, it doesn’t possess the capacity to grasp the underlying implications within the lines.

The capability of generative AI to assess the reliability of sources and locate authoritative information to support assertions is limited. Additionally, since the generative AI software is trained on data from a specific period, it may not incorporate recent events.

It is important for children to understand that even though it may resemble conventional writing found in books or articles, the text has actually been created using computer code. Consequently, it is necessary to approach every word, sentence, and assertion with a sense of doubt.

This presents a valuable chance for you to foster the growth of critical thinking skills in your children.

Take your school-age child and visit an AI art generator that is available for free. Conduct various searches on the platform and engage your child in a conversation by asking thought-provoking questions. For instance, inquire about the different types of people depicted in the generated artwork, identify any potential absences, ask if there are any observable stereotypes, and determine whether biases can be detected.

Explore further:
70 years of research reveals that while television can have educational benefits, social media is likely to have a detrimental effect on mental health in children.

Chatbots are computer programs that are created to imitate human-like conversations.

As of 2022, the number of Replika users exceeded ten million. Replika is a chatbot that is marketed as a caring companion. While it simulates a friendly connection, interactions with the chatbot have the potential to develop into romantic or sexual relationships.

In various chatbot applications like this one, there might not be any moderation or human oversight to monitor inappropriate content. It is important to remain cautious if your child spends an extended period interacting with AI “friends”.

If not supervised, these kinds of applications have the potential to fuel a child’s inquisitiveness and possibly manipulate them into engaging in unethical and harmful situations, such as engaging in highly personal discussions with a chatbot.

Ensure that your children understand that generative AI is a non-human entity. It does not possess the same ideals, beliefs, culture, or religion as humans do. Its purpose is to generate text and language using models and algorithms. It should not be engaged in arguments, seen as a source of learning, or utilized to uphold personal values.

Certain viewpoints or stances on topics can also be blocked by manually editing the code.

Title: Growing reliance on social media for news among young Australians, accompanied by limited understanding of algorithms

In light of the emphasis on text, it is important to remind your children that images and videos are also significant components of generative AI technology. While children may exercise caution when it comes to the content they type online, they might be less mindful when sharing or uploading images.

When photos and facial images are uploaded, AI gains access to them, which increases the difficulty of safeguarding one’s identity. For instance, ChatGPT now possesses the ability to include images during interactions with the chatbot. It is vital to have a conversation with your child about privacy and emphasize that any information uploaded to the internet can be preserved, examined, and manipulated by AI.

The field of AI is filled with exciting developments that make it a powerful tool for learning and engagement. If we have open conversations and proper oversight, there is no limit to how much children can benefit from this technology.
